Terms of Use & Copyrights

1. License
Models published on this website are not licensed to the author of extraction, otherwise the license belongs to game developers of particular videogame.
Because of this all models on this website MAY NOT be sold or exchanged for any other licensed models. In case of using these models as modifications for another videogames you are doing on your own risk and administrator of this website does not takes any responsibility of any illegal use of these models.

Files included on this website are under content rights. Nobody is allowed to share downloaded models from this website. Sharing is allowed only by sharing link to this website!
In case of using these models as modification for another videogame, author of the modification is obliged to include name of videogame from which model originates and author of model extractor /Tado Hmn/

Users are not allowed to share, distribute or sell content of the website. (thumbnails, logo and similiar in-build content).

2. Pricing

Models shared on this website are completely free and no one is authorized to sell them. Before downloading them to your computer you need to pass through free advertising website, which do verification and after 5 seconds you can skip this verification and download files from server to your computer. Passing through advertising site it cost you nothing, just 5 seconds of your time.

If you have any questions, please fill form below.


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